Oh Happy Mumma - Positive Affirmation Cards For Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond


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Being a new mum, is one of the most beautiful and most challenging times in life! 

Good thoughts create happy mums, and taking care of your mindset during pregnancy and throughout the post natal period is one of the most important things a new mum can do. 

These beautiful Oh Happy Mumma cards are split into two parts... the first 26 cards are pregnacy + birth affirmations and the second 26 are positive thoughts cards for new mums. 

Display your cards in our beautifully crafted stand around your home or in your child's room or anywhere you can see them each day. Using tools such as these cards reminds us to take time in our busy day to stop, reflect and reset our mind.

Each set contains:

  • 52 x affirmation cards (26 Pregnancy and Birth Affirmations + 26 New Mum Cards)
  • 1 x display stand

Let our cards serve as your daily reminder to keep saying your positive affirmations and start your day confident and with a smile on your face!

What are some of the affirmations included?

  • My body knows how to nourish and grow my baby
  • My baby and I are healthy and strong
  • Only I can give my child a happy mother
  • I trust my maternal intuition
  • I can do this


Why do I need to think Positively?

Life as a new mum can be stressful and unknown, keeping thoughts positive helps us to focus on what we want, to trust in ourselves and to ensure that we enjoy this beautiful time in our lives. 

But Can't I think of My Own Thoughts?

Of course you can! However, let's be honest... we know how important positive thinking is but we just don't spend the time doing it. These cards will help you to develop that daily habit that you are looking for. Especially when we are already pressed for time!